Thursday, January 27, 2011

5th Inning...rain delay

I went for my Ultrasound this morning...I had a good feeling about it and was actually looking forward it to as it meant that we were one step closer to doing the IUI...

So I go back and the ultrasound tech starts her thing and ask what cycle day I am...12...she said it looked like the Clomid didn't stimulate any eggs this go around unless you have already ovulated...excuse me?  And then she have a fairly large cyst...UGH...again

So I get dressed and go and wait for the nurse.  Nurse comes in says the same thing as the ultrasound tech and then says that the Clomid may have caused the cyst and it doesn't look as though I will ovulate this month AND that I would have to wait until tomorrow to learn more as my DR wasn't in today...I seriously just starred at her and fought back tears...

I made it to my car and LOST it! Mind you I went to this appointment by myself...wont make that mistake again...

I then cried for the next hour and have cried several times since then.  You may be thinking Gah she is taking this hard it doesn't seem that serious...WRONG we were one day away from being step closer to being pregnant...yes it could be worse but I cant see past this right now...

Please pray that the Dr will call back tomorrow with semi good news...

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