Monday, November 29, 2010

2010 Family Pictures

We have been taking Family Pictures for the past couple years and by family I mean the three of us.  The first year we took it at our house, last year we took them at Cannonsburgh in Murfreesboro and this year we took them in Bell Buckle on the train tracks.  I enjoy taking them in different locations and they are always alot of fun.  Tiffany takes them and she does an awesome job.  This year we let Tiffanys brother Lil Joe take them because he just got this awesome new camera for his birthday and he has a great eye for photography, Tiffany was still there of course and did most of the shoot ideas.  I enjoy mostly looking back to see how much we have changed from year to year so I thought I would post the photos from the past 2 years before I posted this years. 

2008...Not the Family Picture I had in mind but I couldnt find it so this will do

2009- Cannonsburgh

2010- The rest are from this year...I love them!

The BFF :-)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Meaning of the Candy Cane

I know this may seem a little early but Candy Canes are everywhere so I thought I would go ahead and share this so we can all keep it in mind while we enjoy this Christmas treat!

Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make a candy that would symbolize the true  meaning of Christmas- Jesus.
The hard candy was shaped like a "J" to represent that Jeaus is our rock of all ages.  The candy was made of white to stand for the pureness of Jesus.  The red represents the blood that he shed to save us from our sins.
So the next time you see a candy cane take a minute to remember the real meaning of Christmas.

I have heard this before and forgotton the story but this was an amazing reminder!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the Holiday season...lets not forget what the Holiday really means!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Its been awhile!...

Wow! I had no idea that it had been so long since I last posted!

Not too much has been going on...I have been working non stop with my main job in Bell Buckle and on my days off at Stein Mart.  I took a long weekend trip on the 11-14th with my BFF Ter-Ter (she hates that haha) to Mandaville LA for our good friend Ashley's wedding.  It was SO much fun! The wedding was absolutely beautiful and Terri and I had some much needed girl time which we both needed...I cant wait till the next trip...Terri- start planning it! :-)
Here are some pictures from that weekend...

I Love You (I turned this picture not sure what happen)

Terri and Me

Again, She doesn't like this picture but I do


I thought this sign was funny

I have spent the last week transforming the store from Fall to Christmas! It has been crazy to say the least...but its looking so pretty! I have big windows in the front of my store so we put a sleigh in one of them  and made a winter setting...I don't have a picture yet but as soon as I can get a pretty one I will post them.  With that said it really put me in the Christmas spirit so I started saying last Tuesday night that I wanted to decorate my house...well we pulled everything out of the closet but it sat in the bonus room all week because I was too tired and lazy to get started on Friday morning I got up and said that I wasn't going to bed that night until the house was decorated! I got home from work about 7 that night and Mom and Jimmy had the tree up and Jimmy had the staircase wrapped with lights and garland! I was so excited! We went to dinner with my brother and then at about 10:30 Mom and I started on the house and finished it about 12:30...what a relief!  I still have a few areas that need some touching up so as soon as I'm done I will post some pictures.

Saturday was the UT/Vandy game here in Nashville.  We as a family have gone to this game for several years in a row now and its the only game that we usually all get to go to...except this year Lizzy missed out :-(.  We left for Nashville about 10 Saturday morning and tailgated all day until the game started at 6:30.  We had a lot fun as usual and the VOLS won! Go Vols!  I sadly didn't take one picture the whole day...

Yesterday Jimmy and I helped my bosses decorate the town of Bell Buckle and then we worked the rest of the day.  I stayed in my shop and did some stuff while Jimmy went to the other shop and helped them decorate their store.  He is such a helper! Last night we went to Tiffany's and had a early Thanksgiving pre game show...Thanksgiving is Tiffs favorite holiday and she has been talking about it since July and she just couldn't wait another week to eat all that yummy food so she cooked her own meal last night! It was SO good!

I'm working the rest of the week and this weekend!  Thursday we will go to Tiffs parents (my amazing bosses) house for lunch and then to Julies sisters house that night for dinner.  This is the first year in several that I don't have to be at work at 5 in the morning for Black Friday shoppers and I'm SO happy about that!

This coming Sunday Tiffany is taking our yearly family pictures. We are taking them in Bell Buckle on the train tracks, I'm super excited!

Nothing is new on the baby front...keep checking back!

I hope everyone has a great week and if I don't check back in before a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time Out!

Well not much is going on...I have been thinking, worrying, stressing...about the whole baby thing and I just really feel like I need a break...

I talked with Jimmy and we decided that we would sit the months of November and December "out"...SO much has happen since the "game" began in February and it still amazes me...
The next step my Dr is going to want to do is IUI...well this procedure is going to cost us some money...and we have to have that money up that was yet another stress factor...where are we going to get the money?  I was seriously not sleeping at night cause I was nauseous from thinking about it and finally I woke up Tuesday morning thinking I need a break.  Of course this would be the one morning that Jimmy doesn't answer his phone while I'm on the way to work SO I talked to Terri about my thoughts on taking the break and why I wanted to take the break...she was in a little bit of shock to find out that I hadn't discussed this with

Let me say that by saying we are sitting out these two months I mean from the Dr...I bought yet another ovulation kit and have the calendar printed off so I can take my temperature and do the tests for the next two months, there would be no way that I could completely stop the TTC process...but doing everything on our own just doesn't work my nerves like going to the Dr does...
So we are planning to enjoy the holidays and try to be as stress  and worry free as possible and in January, if need be, we will head back to the Dr.

In other news...I have gone back to Stein Mart PART TIME, this will be my fourth store and my third time back...I cant stay away lol  This time I'm in Franklin store under my old amazing boss Tommy and my direct manager is my awesome friend David! I'm working a couple of times a month, basically on the weekends when I'm not working in Bell Buckle.  The plan is to work through the Holidays...I worked for the first time last Sunday and it was so nice to be able to work the merchandise and not have to worry about anything else...i.e.employees, management calls, complaining customers and so on.

This weekend I'm working in Bell Buckle, Jimmy will be working with me tomorrow! That should be fun, I plan on putting him to work on some things that I want done around the store...shh...don't tell him...on Sunday night I'm babysitting my precious monsters while Tiff has some alone time with a special someone :-) I have great hopes for this weekend!

I'm not off until next Thursday when Terri and I will be making the trip to our other college roommates wedding! Cant wait to see her and I CANT wait to spend the weekend with Terri!!!

Well that's about all that's going on in my life at the moment...
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be Thankful...

I love my friends! I have some of the most amazing and caring friends...there is no way in the world I could make it through all this without the constant care and uplifting messages I receive...

My friend Anna sent this to me this morning and I LOVE it so I decided to share...these words could be helpful to anyone no matter what the situation...

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.

A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

Monday, November 1, 2010

So Fitting...

I wanted to share the Birthday Card my Dad and Julie gave me, It gave me chills because its so fits me right now...

"You know that feeling when you are about to blow out your birthday candles, and you close your eyes and make that one wish? The wish that's most important of all? The one that's closest to your heart, and you're hoping for more than anything else?  That's the wish I really want to come true for you."

Best card ever huh?

Love you Dad and Julie!!!

3rd inning...

Well lets just say I didn't get that ultimate birthday present that I was hoping and praying for...

*** For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

***Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

***"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass". (Psalms 37:4-5)

Happy November Everyone!