Monday, February 21, 2011

5th Inning...2nd Rain Delay

Tiffany and I went for my Ultrasound this morning.  The results weren't all that good but I wasn't really expecting them to be.  The cyst is still there but it has shrunk, the last appt it measured at 43 centimeters and this appt its measuring at 40...this would be the size of a walnut.  They will not do anything fertility wise until the cyst measures at 15 or below so I'm on birth control for a month and I will go back when I start my next cycle for another cyst check.  The birth control will not make the cyst disappear but we hope it will shrink it and keep it from growing.

There will be no wait time between this months birth control and moving to the next step. So when I go back and if the cyst is down to 15 or smaller we can start immediately on the next step...the only good news but I will take it.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

5th Inning...rain delay

I went for my Ultrasound this morning...I had a good feeling about it and was actually looking forward it to as it meant that we were one step closer to doing the IUI...

So I go back and the ultrasound tech starts her thing and ask what cycle day I am...12...she said it looked like the Clomid didn't stimulate any eggs this go around unless you have already ovulated...excuse me?  And then she have a fairly large cyst...UGH...again

So I get dressed and go and wait for the nurse.  Nurse comes in says the same thing as the ultrasound tech and then says that the Clomid may have caused the cyst and it doesn't look as though I will ovulate this month AND that I would have to wait until tomorrow to learn more as my DR wasn't in today...I seriously just starred at her and fought back tears...

I made it to my car and LOST it! Mind you I went to this appointment by myself...wont make that mistake again...

I then cried for the next hour and have cried several times since then.  You may be thinking Gah she is taking this hard it doesn't seem that serious...WRONG we were one day away from being step closer to being pregnant...yes it could be worse but I cant see past this right now...

Please pray that the Dr will call back tomorrow with semi good news...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5th Inning

The Clomid and "Trigger" shot in December proved to be unsuccessful on this past Sunday...

I was almost at my whits end with the month after month heartbreak so I told Jimmy that we either needed to move to the next step or we needed to just stop the TTC process all together...he said we will make this happen...

I called the Dr's office to leave a message with the nurse asking for an appointment to come in and talk about the financial side of the IUI...she called back with amazing insurance covers the IUI procedure...I'm sure if someone walked by my store window yesterday morning and saw my face they would have thought I had seen a ghost.  Never in a million years did I expect to hear her to say that...I just said "oh really? ok..." and I'm sure I said something else stupid but I was just really trying to process what she was saying.  This may not shock you at all but if you know much about insurance and fertility treatments then you know most insurance companies wont cover what they label as fertility treatments.  Ive been amazed by how much we haven't had to pay for since the beginning of this anyway so I was fully expecting to pay for this out of pocket.

On to the exciting stuff...I start Clomid this Thursday...go for ultrasound on next Thursday...take shot per Dr's orders and then have the IUI done on Friday or Saturday morning!

I'm really excited and really nervous! Please keep us in your prayers that this will be the turning point in our Baby Ballgame.

...Till next time :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011


This past year has been full of excitement and full of major heartbreak...I feel like this has been mine and Jimmy's most eventful year so far...

The year started off very exciting for us! My Dad and Step mom Julie moved to Murfreesboro on December 31...Jimmy and I had been the only ones in Murfreesboro for 2 years and we were ecstatic to finally have family down the road! We have Jimmy's Dad and girlfriend Rita in Bellevue but that's still an hour away.  Its been so fun watching Dad and Julie build their lives here and they are enjoying every minute of it...they moved into an awesome neighborhood and have met and made some amazing friends.

Then came the heartbreak as we learned that we are battling infertility and its been so up and down since...I wont go into detail about that process because if you are following my blog then you know all about it :-)...I just hope and pray that 2011 will be the year for us on the baby front...

This past fall has been the most life changing for us...We went on vacation with Terri and Micheal and Briley and while we were gone my Mom was offered and accepted a job in Franklin and came to live with us.  I cant express how excited I am to have my Mom and my Dad and Julie all in town with us now.  Having family close by definitely helps me through the hard times...

I also changed jobs...which you have already read about in past posts but this was such a change for us...I have no regrets, I truly believe that this was the best move for me and for us and I absolutely love my job and my second family that I work for.

This year also brought new people in our lives...especially one person...I don't think Jimmy or I have ever met someone that we instantly clicked with until we met him.  He is seriously one of the best friends either one of us have ever had and we are so happy that he was brought into our lives...

Oh and there is something else VERY VERY exciting happening (it has nothing to do with me) but I will have to wait until I get the go ahead to post about that too!

New Years Eve we spent with Tommy and Elizabeth...we went to eat at PF Changs in CoolSprings then went back to their house and played games and watched the ball drop.  It was so much fun! It was really the first time we had spent time with just the four of us and I certainly hope  we can do it many more times!

Happy New Years...3 Days late :-)