Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Downhere - How Many Kings

Merry Christmas!

I Just thought I would blog with some pictures of my house at Christmas!


Foyer with Staircase

Buffet in the Dining Room


Dining Room Table

Front Door

2010 Christmas Card

Monday, December 20, 2010

4th Inning...

Lets me start with saying...I hope this ballgame we are "playing" has a run rule and we get to stop before the 5th inning...just a little humor...haha

So...we are back in...I started my cycle on Saturday so I called the DR this morning and the nurse called me back with the plan...When I left the message with them I asked for another "trigger" shot, we decided to try this one more time before we took the BIG step toward the more extensive treatments.  The plan is: I start Clomid (again) on this Wednesday, I go back next Wednesday for a Ultrasound (to see how many egg follicles are visible), we take the shot on day...whatever they say...then timed intercourse...

I really hope with the help of Clomid the shot will be successful this time...

Thats all for now!

Monday, November 29, 2010

2010 Family Pictures

We have been taking Family Pictures for the past couple years and by family I mean the three of us.  The first year we took it at our house, last year we took them at Cannonsburgh in Murfreesboro and this year we took them in Bell Buckle on the train tracks.  I enjoy taking them in different locations and they are always alot of fun.  Tiffany takes them and she does an awesome job.  This year we let Tiffanys brother Lil Joe take them because he just got this awesome new camera for his birthday and he has a great eye for photography, Tiffany was still there of course and did most of the shoot ideas.  I enjoy mostly looking back to see how much we have changed from year to year so I thought I would post the photos from the past 2 years before I posted this years. 

2008...Not the Family Picture I had in mind but I couldnt find it so this will do

2009- Cannonsburgh

2010- The rest are from this year...I love them!

The BFF :-)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Meaning of the Candy Cane

I know this may seem a little early but Candy Canes are everywhere so I thought I would go ahead and share this so we can all keep it in mind while we enjoy this Christmas treat!

Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make a candy that would symbolize the true  meaning of Christmas- Jesus.
The hard candy was shaped like a "J" to represent that Jeaus is our rock of all ages.  The candy was made of white to stand for the pureness of Jesus.  The red represents the blood that he shed to save us from our sins.
So the next time you see a candy cane take a minute to remember the real meaning of Christmas.

I have heard this before and forgotton the story but this was an amazing reminder!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the Holiday season...lets not forget what the Holiday really means!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Its been awhile!...

Wow! I had no idea that it had been so long since I last posted!

Not too much has been going on...I have been working non stop with my main job in Bell Buckle and on my days off at Stein Mart.  I took a long weekend trip on the 11-14th with my BFF Ter-Ter (she hates that haha) to Mandaville LA for our good friend Ashley's wedding.  It was SO much fun! The wedding was absolutely beautiful and Terri and I had some much needed girl time which we both needed...I cant wait till the next trip...Terri- start planning it! :-)
Here are some pictures from that weekend...

I Love You (I turned this picture not sure what happen)

Terri and Me

Again, She doesn't like this picture but I do


I thought this sign was funny

I have spent the last week transforming the store from Fall to Christmas! It has been crazy to say the least...but its looking so pretty! I have big windows in the front of my store so we put a sleigh in one of them  and made a winter setting...I don't have a picture yet but as soon as I can get a pretty one I will post them.  With that said it really put me in the Christmas spirit so I started saying last Tuesday night that I wanted to decorate my house...well we pulled everything out of the closet but it sat in the bonus room all week because I was too tired and lazy to get started on Friday morning I got up and said that I wasn't going to bed that night until the house was decorated! I got home from work about 7 that night and Mom and Jimmy had the tree up and Jimmy had the staircase wrapped with lights and garland! I was so excited! We went to dinner with my brother and then at about 10:30 Mom and I started on the house and finished it about 12:30...what a relief!  I still have a few areas that need some touching up so as soon as I'm done I will post some pictures.

Saturday was the UT/Vandy game here in Nashville.  We as a family have gone to this game for several years in a row now and its the only game that we usually all get to go to...except this year Lizzy missed out :-(.  We left for Nashville about 10 Saturday morning and tailgated all day until the game started at 6:30.  We had a lot fun as usual and the VOLS won! Go Vols!  I sadly didn't take one picture the whole day...

Yesterday Jimmy and I helped my bosses decorate the town of Bell Buckle and then we worked the rest of the day.  I stayed in my shop and did some stuff while Jimmy went to the other shop and helped them decorate their store.  He is such a helper! Last night we went to Tiffany's and had a early Thanksgiving pre game show...Thanksgiving is Tiffs favorite holiday and she has been talking about it since July and she just couldn't wait another week to eat all that yummy food so she cooked her own meal last night! It was SO good!

I'm working the rest of the week and this weekend!  Thursday we will go to Tiffs parents (my amazing bosses) house for lunch and then to Julies sisters house that night for dinner.  This is the first year in several that I don't have to be at work at 5 in the morning for Black Friday shoppers and I'm SO happy about that!

This coming Sunday Tiffany is taking our yearly family pictures. We are taking them in Bell Buckle on the train tracks, I'm super excited!

Nothing is new on the baby front...keep checking back!

I hope everyone has a great week and if I don't check back in before a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time Out!

Well not much is going on...I have been thinking, worrying, stressing...about the whole baby thing and I just really feel like I need a break...

I talked with Jimmy and we decided that we would sit the months of November and December "out"...SO much has happen since the "game" began in February and it still amazes me...
The next step my Dr is going to want to do is IUI...well this procedure is going to cost us some money...and we have to have that money up that was yet another stress factor...where are we going to get the money?  I was seriously not sleeping at night cause I was nauseous from thinking about it and finally I woke up Tuesday morning thinking I need a break.  Of course this would be the one morning that Jimmy doesn't answer his phone while I'm on the way to work SO I talked to Terri about my thoughts on taking the break and why I wanted to take the break...she was in a little bit of shock to find out that I hadn't discussed this with

Let me say that by saying we are sitting out these two months I mean from the Dr...I bought yet another ovulation kit and have the calendar printed off so I can take my temperature and do the tests for the next two months, there would be no way that I could completely stop the TTC process...but doing everything on our own just doesn't work my nerves like going to the Dr does...
So we are planning to enjoy the holidays and try to be as stress  and worry free as possible and in January, if need be, we will head back to the Dr.

In other news...I have gone back to Stein Mart PART TIME, this will be my fourth store and my third time back...I cant stay away lol  This time I'm in Franklin store under my old amazing boss Tommy and my direct manager is my awesome friend David! I'm working a couple of times a month, basically on the weekends when I'm not working in Bell Buckle.  The plan is to work through the Holidays...I worked for the first time last Sunday and it was so nice to be able to work the merchandise and not have to worry about anything else...i.e.employees, management calls, complaining customers and so on.

This weekend I'm working in Bell Buckle, Jimmy will be working with me tomorrow! That should be fun, I plan on putting him to work on some things that I want done around the store...shh...don't tell him...on Sunday night I'm babysitting my precious monsters while Tiff has some alone time with a special someone :-) I have great hopes for this weekend!

I'm not off until next Thursday when Terri and I will be making the trip to our other college roommates wedding! Cant wait to see her and I CANT wait to spend the weekend with Terri!!!

Well that's about all that's going on in my life at the moment...
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be Thankful...

I love my friends! I have some of the most amazing and caring friends...there is no way in the world I could make it through all this without the constant care and uplifting messages I receive...

My friend Anna sent this to me this morning and I LOVE it so I decided to share...these words could be helpful to anyone no matter what the situation...

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.

A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

Monday, November 1, 2010

So Fitting...

I wanted to share the Birthday Card my Dad and Julie gave me, It gave me chills because its so fits me right now...

"You know that feeling when you are about to blow out your birthday candles, and you close your eyes and make that one wish? The wish that's most important of all? The one that's closest to your heart, and you're hoping for more than anything else?  That's the wish I really want to come true for you."

Best card ever huh?

Love you Dad and Julie!!!

3rd inning...

Well lets just say I didn't get that ultimate birthday present that I was hoping and praying for...

*** For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

***Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

***"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass". (Psalms 37:4-5)

Happy November Everyone!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

2nd Inning...

We went back to the Doctor yesterday...we got some pretty good news concerning my health plus we moved to the next "inning" of this ballgame...

As I mentioned in my last post I have been experiencing some MAJOR pain at the start of my cycle so this was a high topic of concern yesterday.  As I expected Dr. Elben was not happy to hear about the pain and was on the same page I was thinking it as another cyst or some very fast moving endometriosis SO she sent me to ultrasound...I hate these...the tech came in did her thing and even told me herself that there was nothing to be alarmed about, so we went to talk to the Dr again.  Dr. Elben came to the conclusion that the pain was caused by the Clomid I was taking for the last three months.

She came back happy to report that there were no bad cysts and no endometrisosis but there was a visible egg follicle...since I'm getting close to ovulation that's a good sign.  She wanted me to take the HCG Trigger Shot called Ovidrel ( I will explain this in a minute) on Thursday ( today) and come back on Friday to do the IUI...WELL if you know me at all this STRESSED me out! Its Wednesday...and you want to do this the Doctor leaves for us to talk and we had so many we went and got the nurse, after answering our questions she finally said "this is too stressful for you all right now, take the shot home do it on Thursday and then try on your own Friday, Saturday and Sunday...WHEW why didn't they mentioned that to begin with???  So that's where we are right now...Jimmy will be giving me the shot when I get home this afternoon and we will spend the weekend TTC...

Now let me give you an explanation of the HCG Trigger Shot...

The hCG trigger shot is a dose of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, which normally is produced by the body after implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining. This medication is delivered by injection and is timed in conjunction with the maturity of the ovarian follicles containing eggs. When the hCG shot is delivered, those follicles release their eggs and a woman may become pregnant. The hCG trigger shot is used in fertility treatments such as timed intercourse and medicated cycles for intra-uterine insemination and in-vitro fertilization.

An hCG shot may be administered at the doctor's office or at home. The timing of the shot is very important, as ovulation may occur anywhere from 12 to 48 hours after the injection. These hours will be the woman's peak fertile time, and any timed intercourse, egg harvesting or insemination needs to occur while the eggs are viable. The hCG trigger may be administered as a subcutaneous injection in the belly or thigh or as an intramuscular injection.

Once the shot is administered, the signal for final maturation of the eggs and ovulation occurs. Some women experience slight cramping and bleeding when ovulation occurs; this is quite normal and is not a cause for alarm. Timed intercourse or insemination takes place anywhere from 12 to 36 hours after the shot is given. Ideally, more than one insemination or round of intercourse may be used to increase chances of a viable egg being met by sperm.
If the hCG trigger successfully induces final maturation and ovulation, when combined with timed intercourse or insemination, this may result in fertilization of the egg. The hCG from the trigger remains in the urine for about seven to 10 days after the shot is administered, which means that home pregnancy tests may give a false positive after the trigger shot. A blood test to measure levels of hCG usually is conducted 14 or more days after ovulation, as these results should not be affected by the trigger.

Well OK...are you confused and overwhelmed yet???...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Who doesn't believe this??? In our family our dogs are treated like members of the family and they are all spoiled rotten!  So needless to day when we lose one of them its heartbreaking...

On Monday afternoon my parents had to make the very tough decision regarding our family cocker spaniel T.  T has had a very tough life and suffered some horrible pain in his 11 years.  If you know anything about cocker spaniels they are prone to ear infections and T suffered through his share of them.  Within the past three or so months T's health had been a concern, he had an ear infection that just wouldn't ease up even with medication, he was losing weight (although he never lost his appetite) and he had developed a unproductive cough as well as shortness of breath.  Over the weekend they decided they needed to call the doctor again and they advised bringing him in.  My dad took him in on Monday morning and the initial prognosis wasn't good, they wanted T to stay for some blood work and X-rays.  When Dad and Julie went back to get him they were told (in the short version) that he had heart failure, a tumor and was extremely dehydrated.  And in the end T went to Heaven!  We liked the vision that he was sitting in my Great Grandmothers lap somewhere.

Now lets talk about the happy times...We got T in September of 1999...the story is that he is named after UTs National Championship Winning Quarterback "Tee" Martin.  Now I don't exactly remember this fact as I wasn't the sports fan at that age but I do remember saying that T also stood for the Taylor's and the Treadways (my stepbrother and sisters last name).  T had his own personality, he was a very sweet and loving dog and liked people and other animals WHEN we wanted too. 

Here are a few funny tidbits about T...
He howled like a Werewolf in the middle of the night
He would only sit on your left side
He wouldn't let you lean on him or touch him unless it was on his terms
He didn't have a water bowl for years, he would only drink out of the bathroom sink
He ate the dirt out of Julies flower pots
He begged for food like no other, he would even "tap" you with his paw so you wouldn't forget about him
He liked to RUN, as in RUN out the door
He ate paper
If you tried to take anything out of his mouth you risked losing a finger or hand...
You didn't pick T up and you didn't TOUCH his ears
He could be very grouchy...
But he was a very loving dog...

As you can see everything was done on HIS terms.  We all had our own relationship with T, which was again on HIS terms...

Dad- their relationship was a Love/Hate one.  Dad has many scars on his hands to remember him by...remember me saying don't take anything out of his mouth, well Dad never really learned this.  On the other hand T loved laying next to Dad on the couch or in his lap in the chair.

Julie- T was a Mama's boy.  He slept next to Julie at night and Julie was one of the 2 people T allowed to pick him up.

Me- T was my sleeping buddy when I stayed at Dads.  He didn't sleep with me at night but he would come to my door and scratch on it so he could sleep in with me in the mornings.

JT- their relationship was great.  T was JTs little buddy, he loved that dog so much that a past girlfriend gave JT his own cocker spaniel!  JT was also the only other person T would let pick him up on a regular basis.

Chase- Chase and T's relationship was pretty good as well.  T slept many a nights with Chase.  On special occasion Chase was allowed to pick T up...

Liz- lets just say they also had a Love/Hate relationship, as in T use to attack Liz for no given reason.  She would walk into the room and he would attack.  We joke saying that T thought he ranked higher on the Totem Poll then Liz. As Liz got older the attacking stopped and the loving came around.

We are all going to miss our beloved T, that house just wont be the same...I'm going to leave you with some pictures of our Precious Doggie Angel...

Third Strike...

...and we are back to the the doctor that is.  Our third and last round of Clomid was proved to be unsuccessful this past weekend so I go back to the doctor on Wednesday the 13th.  I'm not sure at all what this visit will in tell, they didn't tell me much when I called just that she wanted to see me.

I have been in some incredible pain the past two months when that dreaded week came around.  I literally lay in the floor in a ball and cry.  I haven't felt like this since I was about 17 and experienced my first ovarian cyst and not too long after that was when they decided that birth control was the answer.  So needless to say I'm a little concerned with what the doctor will say or think about this pain I'm having.  Please pray that its nothing serious and I haven't developed anymore cysts.

I took it this month better then the last, I honestly think its because I'm not under as much stress I LOVE MY NEW JOB! Its so laid back and I'm not bogged down with the constant negativity from my previous job.

That's about all I have right now, I will give an update next week after the doctors appointment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Beginning

Jimmy and I, as well as several friends and family, have started thinking that along with health problems STRESS may be a factor with the baby process.  I have also been struggling with the issue that maybe God is waiting to give us a baby until he knows that we are where we need to be in our everyday life and that includes work.  As many of you know I was a retail Manager at Stein Mart.  I loved my job, I started when I was a freshman in college (2002) and worked until the summer before I got married (2007).  When I moved to Murfreesboro after our wedding I started looking for jobs and what did I come across?...a posting for the new Stein Mart store they were opening in Murfreesboro.  I had my doubts about going back but nothing else was really coming though so I applied and was called back within a couple of days.  I went for the interview with the Store Manager (Joy) and we really kicked it off, she didn't offer me the job on the spot but I felt really good about the interview. Sure enough she called within a day or two and offered me the job and I was starting what I call some of the best days of my life.  I have met so many people that I'm proud to call "best" friends. 

So much has happend in that past four years that it would take me about a day to write it all down.  In the end I was under alot of stress, working long days for corporate leaders who may or may not show up, working nights and weekends and so on.  Although I loved the people I worked with and generally loved my job it got to be way too much and I was looking for a way out.  I started searching for jobs online and nothing was popping out at me, one day I casually mentioned to Tiffany that I wish her parents would hire me.  Her parents, Joe and Debbie Sheetz are some of the sweetest people I know and I just knew they would be awesome bosses!  They own Two stores in Historic Bell Buckle,, Designz by You/Coffeez by Us,, and the newest store Designz from the Heart.  Tiffany called her Mom and mentioned to her about hiring me to help her and to help out with the new store and her Mom loved the idea but wasn't sure she could hire me just yet.  So I went on with Stein Mart and one day Tiffany called me at work, this is not something she usually does unless she has to tell me something, her Mom had decided to hire me! I was so excited I could hardly stand it! Of course I had to talk it over with Jimmy and get back  to her.  So I went home to talk it over, he was little leary at first after all I would be taking a slight pay cut but he said that seeing me happy again would be worth it, the icing on the cake was my boss calling me that afternoon and telling me I had to work open to close for the next 9 days cause we were having a lovely visitor from our Regional Director.  Needles to say we were both "OVER IT." 

I felt that there was something or someone behind this, it didn't quite work out the way I had hoped the first go around but the offer came back to me.  I work 9:45 to 5 Monday-Thursday and 9:45-7 on Fridays, and I only work one weekend a month and special events, that means NO late nights and almost NO weekends! I get to enjoy my family and friends again and that is something that I haven't been able to do in a long time.

I may be going out on a limb here but I feel like God opened this new opportunity for me.

So Friday September 17th was my last day at Stein Mart and Monday September 20th was my first day in my "New Beginning."  I am working in the new store Designz from the Heart, its been great so far.  I will get to meet so many people since this town is a huge tourist attraction.  I have wonderful bosses, Im not responsible for anyone but myself and I get to interact with all my visitors (customers), I couldn't ask for a better job!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

God is in Control

If you are anything like me you at times "forget" that God is in control, that he has a plan, and that although he knows the desires of our heart he is still working on his time not ours.  One of the biggest obstacles that I have faced though our battle with infertility is remembering just that as well as the battle of handing everything over to him.  I pray and cry out to God on a daily basis but yet I still feel like I'm holding on to my troubles instead of trusting him. 

God is working in my life, my husbands life and our marriage.  He continues to show me that he is there and that indeed he has a plan for our life.  I have two stories to share with you that proves he is in control of every aspect of our lives from death, sickness, marriage conflict, infertility to placing people in our paths to be there for us and to be a prayer warrior for us.

I received a call from a friend this week that left me feeling helpless.  She had left town to go see her mother who was in the hospital having tests run, soon after she had gotten there her mothers test results were back...she had progressive cancer in her kidney and needed surgery to remove the tumor, without the surgery the doctors were giving her a year to live.  I was basically speechless...what do you say to someone who has just heard this news?  By the time I got off the phone with her I felt like a complete idiot and a awful friend because I didn't have any encouraging words for her.  I thought about this friend and her mother all day and prayed that God would give them peace.  After I got home that night and was getting in the bed my phone starting blowing up with texts, I thought who in the world is texting me back to back?  Turns out it was a text from this very friend telling me a story that sent chills though my entire body..."she was on the plane heading to see her mom when she started talking to a young lady that was sitting next to her, the conversation somehow ended up on the subject of God and how he was helping her through some tough times in her life.  In the terminal as they were walking their separate ways the young lady she was talking too asked my friend if she could pray for her? my friend of course said sure and they went on their way."  God knew that my friend would need prayers and knew that she would need every prayer warrior she could get.  You see he knew what her mothers test results were going to be and he put that young lady in my friends path...GOD is in Control!

This week I had another friend that had been in my mind and heart for several weeks now and I knew deep down that things in her life weren't going well.  I have been so caught up in the things in my life that weren't going great that I kept putting off contacting her, I sent her an email on Friday night asking about her and how things were going and when she emailed me back I was floored at what all she had been though.  Her marriage was falling apart and she was at conflict as to whether she should leave or work it out.  She went to her parents for advice, one said leave, one said go back and work it out with her husband and God.  She prayed and cried for a few days and in the end she said that God spoke to her and told her that he wasn't done with her marriage and that she needed to go back and work it out.  She told me that couldn't even imagine living with her husband and dealing with all the hurt that had been caused but she couldn't shut out the tugging God was doing in her heart.  Once again God is showing us that he is in control of everything and if he isn't done with his plan for you he will show you.

We all have to learn to trust God and trust that he knows what we can handle and what we cant handle, he will not put us in any situation that thinks we cant handle.  When I have been at my deepest point there has always been someone or something that has shown me that God is in control and I believe with all my heart that these two friends and their very different situations were brought to me because God wanted to show me that he is there and that he will always be there.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life is all about Curve balls...

Well the past few days have been pretty hard on me...we found out that we weren't pregnant once again on Friday morning...blah.  I took it extra hard this month, I just knew that things were different and I could have sworn that my body was changing. I guess I shouldn't have had my hopes up so high cause man I fell low! 

I closed at work on Friday so I was home that morning and had a HUGE meltdown...of course I texted Terri and Tiffany as soon as I "found" out the awful news and as always they were so supportive and positive and tried to lift me up but even that didn't help this time.  In the middle of my meltdown I received a Facebook notification that I had a message, I went to read it and I can tell you now that God was in COMPLETE control of that message.  It was from Terri's sister in law Stephanie and she gave me some very encouraging and positive words, I cried through the whole thing but smiled at the end because I just knew that God was behind it.  It seems that every month that I'm thrown a curve ball someone different steps up and tells me their story and it gives me more Hope then they will ever know.  I hope I can be that "someone" someday.

In other news...on Saturday morning I woke up to not only the worse cramps I have had since before my surgery but I also had a HUGE rash growing all over my body! Jimmy and I both freaked out and we went to the walk in clinic.  I basically stunned the doctor...the rash was pretty ugly but it didn't itch nor was it she really didn't know how to treat it.  She called me in a steroid and sent me on my way.  I'm chalking it up to got worse before it got better and its not completely gone but at least it doesn't itch and isn't painful.

I have a few more exciting announcements but I cant let the cat out of the bag just yet so I will leave you with your wondering minds!

I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Labor Day! I will be working...of course...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

3rd base...

June 15 came mom was coming to stay with me for the week I needed off to recover so Jimmy wouldnt have to take time he didnt have off from work.  Jimmy, my mom and I were on the road at 5:45 for the Hospital where I had to be there by 7 for my surgery at 9:30.  Again I felt the HUGE love and support from friends and family, my phone started going off at 6 that morning.  I handed over my phone to my mom so she could answer the over flowing amount of text.  I went back about 8:30, kissed mom and Jimmy and the rest is a blur...all the sudden Im waking up and the nurse is telling me everything went great, I wouldnt know what that meant for another hour when I saw Jimmy...

I kept asking where my husband was and the nurse kept telling me that when I went to recovery he could see me, im sure she thought I was crazy cause I just kept asking her...finally I was in recovery and she went to get him! He came back with a smile and said "have you talked to Dr. Elben, have they told you"? I just looked at him and said "NO, they havent told me anything"!  He then tells me that they removed the cysts, lasered the Endometriosis (I had stage 3 out of 4) away and most importantly my tubes were CLEAR!  Apparently between the Endometriosis and the cysts they were the reason my tubes appeared to be blocked.  We were so excited! Of course it didnt really hit me till the next day...

They only let one person back at a time so Jimmy left, Mom came and left, Dad came and left, Vic came and left and then Jimmy came back and stayed till they released me.  That day at the hospital is still such a blur, it happen so fast it just blows my mind!  We came home and I went to bed, of course they woke me up to eat and take my meds and Dad and Julie came to visit.  While I was asleep flowers were delivered from my BEST friend Terri, her husband Michael and precious daughter Briley.  I also recieved flowers from Vic and my Dad and Julie. 

The next few days I spent on the couch with Millie (she wouldnt leave my side) while Mom spolied us!  I also answered lots of texts and emails. The week flew by and before I knew it Mom was leaving and I was headed back to work.

Jimmy and I went for the Post-Op on June 28, we really didnt know what to expect, I knew she would want to look at my scars and I thought maybe she would talk about the next step but again we were walking into the unknown...when we saw Dr. Elben she was still SO excited about the success of the surgery.  However, she is a DR and starts talking numbers and deadlines...she put me on Clomid for 3 months in HOPES that I get pregnant FAST.  She wants me pregnant and to have the baby before the Endometriosis comes back (which is anywhere within a year or 2) so she has us on a fast plan...if im not pregnant within the 3 months she allowed she wants us to talk IUI...

 An IUI -- intrauterine insemination -- is performed by threading a very thin flexible catheter through the cervix and injecting washed sperm directly into the uterus. The whole process doesn't take very long — it usually only requires the insertion of a speculum and then the catheter, a process that maybe takes a couple of minutes (60-90 seconds to introduce the catheter, then sperm injection, and another 60 seconds or so to remove the catheter — going slowly helps reduce discomfort). Sometimes when the cervix is hard to reach a tenaculum is used to hold the cervix, which makes the process a bit more uncomfortable.

This would be done in a regular office visit by one of the nurses, Dr. Elben laughed saying that they were better at it then she was! 

This brings us to the present stop...I just took round 2 of Clomid and im set to start/not start my cycle at the first of the month...

2nd base...

My first appointment at Nashville Fertility was on April 5th, Jimmy and I were literally walking into the unknown.  I had done some research about reasons my tubes were blocked, I had talked to several people that had been through fertility treatments but I don't think it ever prepares you for what you are about to face.  I was comfortable with going to Nashville Fertility, we have some very dear  friends that had been treated there and now have precious twin boys, however I had no idea that the first meeting with my new DR would be so intense.

Dr. Eblen is Board Certified in Obstetric and Gynecology and subspecialty certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.  When we met with her she already had my file and test results from my OB and was very familiar with our situation and that really impressed me.  She first introduced herself and explained what she and Nashville Fertility specialized in, which is basically all types of INFERTILITY but with my tubes being blocked she kept mentioning IVF...

What is IVF? IVF is a process where fertilization takes place outside the body, in a petri dish or a test tube. A woman's eggs are aspirated from her ovaries and placed with sperm. After culture of the embryos for three to five days, the embryos are placed in the woman's uterus. The IVF cycle includes administration of medicines for stimulation of the ovaries (ovarian hyperstimulation), egg retrieval, fertilization and embryo culture, and embryo transfer.
This really frustrated Jimmy and me at first cause it just seemed like she wanted to push this instead of trying other options but we sat through it and tried to be patient.  After she talked about this for about 30 minutes she decided she was to do an vaginal ultrasound on me to see what she could consultation now has turned into a very personal we go for the ultrasound.  She gets the results back is stunned by what she saw...I had several cysts on both of my ovaries and had some black spots around my tubes and ovaries that appeared to be ...Endometriosis excuse me?  I have Endometriosis and I had no idea???  Isn't that suppose to be painful?  Well turns out, she sees women everyday that have it and have had zero symptoms.  WOW...mouth dropping again...SO she explains to me that when women are between the Ovulation phase and their cycle that they tend to have more cysts on their ovaries that disappear after their cycle, so she wants to see me at the end of my next cycle which happen to be the next week.  I went back this time with Tiffany for a second ultrasound and she was right almost all of the cysts disappeared but there was still  visible cysts on each ovary and still those dreaded black spots around the tubes and ovaries...we talked after the ultrasound and decided to schedule a Laparoscopic Surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery, keyhole surgery is a modern surgical technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) as compared to larger incisions needed in traditional surgical procedures.
This surgery would allow Dr. Elben to get a closer look inside and determine that actual damage, she would also remove the cysts and laser the Endometriosis if need be.  This would also allow her to "clean" out whatever was blocking my tubes.  Needless to say I was NERVOUS at this point and wanted it to happen ASAP! The surgery is to be scheduled on the 8th or 9th day of your cycle...well in May that landed on Wednesday of the week we were leaving for the beach so we scheduled it for June 15th...I would now have to wait OVER a month to get more answers...

Whew that was a STRESSFUL 2 months...

1st Base...

I told Jimmy and myself that if I wasn't pregnant by January of this year that I would make an appointment to go and talk to my OB.  So in March my best friend Tiffany and I went to a meeting with my OB, going into this meeting I was nervous for some reason but really just thought she would write me a prescription for something along the lines of Clomid (a hormone that makes women produce more eggs) and I would be on my way...WRONG! She wouldn't give me any medicine instead she wanted to talk tests...YIKES...tests for me and tests for Jimmy...I was so not prepared for this but I said OK and went on my way being as positive as I could be.  They like to test the male first since it is generally easier and less expensive so within 2 weeks of the first meeting with the DR we had Jimmy tested and had his results back...he was GOOD! The next step was a test called HSG that involved me...On  March 24th Tiffany took me to the hospital for a test that would last 45 mins, was pain from Hell and would in the end change my life.  Here is an insert from WebMD about the HSG test...

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).

During a hysterosalpingogram, a dye (contrast material) is put through a thin tube that is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are hooked together, the dye will flow into the fallopian tubes. Pictures are taken using a steady beam of X-ray (fluoroscopy) as the dye passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes. The pictures can show problems such as an injury or abnormal structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes, or a blockage that would prevent an egg moving through a fallopian tube to the uterus. A blockage also could prevent sperm from moving into a fallopian tube and joining (fertilizing) an egg. A hysterosalpingogram also may find problems on the inside of the uterus that prevent a fertilized egg from attaching (implanting) to the uterine wall.

Intense huh?...

I got the results back the next week...the right tube was completely blocked and the left tube had some scar damage...scar damage from what?  This question would not be answered till months later.  The nurse then said the words, "we cant do anything else in our office as we are not experienced with INFERTILITY and we have referred you to Nashville Fertility, our office manager will call and make the appointment and she will get back to you".  This was all done over the phone (thank God as my mouth had dropped to the floor) and while I was at work, I had to call Jimmy and tell him as well as tell every person that knew I was on the phone with the nurse moments before, so I pulled my mouth up and put on my positive face and started trying to answer questions about a subject that I had no clue about...

First Inning...

I'm using this blog for two reasons, as therapy for me and to tell the world our story.  I'm an open book as long as people ask me questions but I have a real problem just telling my story.  Jimmy and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year and eight months now, I have been off birth control for almost 3 years.  We have had an interesting and informative last 8 months...I never knew what could happen in a woman's body nor did I know what options couples with infertility have available to them.  I'm going to separate the next few blogs by what I like to call "our journey to pregnancy".

One of the hardest words for people to talk about is "INFERTILITY".  I hope you will read this without feeling "sorry" for us, that is so not my intention I want everyone to know what we have been through and continue to go through because I want your prayers and support, we feel every prayer we receive and it gives us so much HOPE and strength.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It all started when...

Im going to use this post to introduce myself and my husband, Jimmy.  We have been married for 3 years this past June and were together for a little over 6 years before, I was 17 and he was 23 when we met.  After highschool I went to college and Jimmy worked saving up for when we decided it was time to get married.  We got engaged my junior year of school, this same year Jimmy moved to Middle Tennessee which is where we wanted to live after the wedding.  We did the long distance thing for almost two years, that was very hard but it made us so much stronger.  We got married on June 23, 2007 and moved to Murfreesboro TN to start our life as a married couple.  We lived in an apartment for a year but started talking about starting a family so we bought a house that we could grow into, that was very exciting but very scarey at the same time.  At present time our baby is a 3 year old Min Pin named Millie, she is spolied rotton and we love her so much!  We love married life and even though we have been through some struggles in the past three years we wouldnt change a thing.

I will leave you with some pictures of us and our home.
Our First Home
Family Picture

Us on our Wedding Day